At Landmark Dental, we focus our dental care on helping patients keep their smiles whole and healthy for a lifetime. With regular preventive dentistry exams and professional teeth cleanings, our team will work with you to achieve and maintain your healthiest, and most beautiful smile. If you’re new to the Norwood, MA area, we invite you to call our team to schedule your first appointment. We can’t wait to help you find out why patients from Westwood, Wellesley, and other surrounding communities prefer dental care at our office.

Checkups & Cleanings
The key to a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles is maintaining natural dental structures and preventing damaging oral health conditions. Visiting our office every six months for regular checkups and teeth cleanings is a simple way to keep your smile healthy. During these regular preventive dentistry checkups, Dr. Ilya Livshin and his team will carefully examine your smile for signs of common oral health conditions, perform a professional teeth cleaning, and talk through any ongoing dental treatment plans. We use state-of-the-art digital photography and x-rays combined with more traditional visual analysis to screen for warning signs of common oral health conditions including:
We’ll carefully remove all plaque and tartar buildup from your smile, and help you focus your at-home dental care in the areas that need your attention most. Dr. Livshin will spend as much time as you need answering questions, explaining areas of concern he discovers, and help you create a personalized treatment plan that meets fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle.

Dental Sealants
Dental sealants allow Dr. Livshin to quickly and comfortably protect your smile from damage and decay. We can apply the clear sealant coating as part of your regular checkup, and one application will protect your teeth for years. We paint the liquid sealant onto the surfaces of teeth where it seeps into the pits and grooves in teeth that can be difficult to clean. Once the sealant is applied, we use a curing light to harden it in position.

TMJ/Bruxism Therapy
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) occurs when the tissue connecting the jaw to the skull bone are damaged or strained. Bruxism is the technical term for the unconscious grinding and clenching of teeth that typically occurs during sleep. While these two oral health conditions may seem unrelated, they are often treated with the same solution – nightguards. These custom crafted oral appliances shift the jaw into its most comfortable resting position, relieving strain on the TMJ. They also create a physical barrier to protect teeth from potential damage due to grinding and clenching.

If you participate in sports where their smile is at risk of damage due to impact with other players, sports equipment, or hard surfaces, you should always wear a mouthguard. Many of our athletic patients assume they’ll need to wear sportsguards for high contact sports like football or rugby, but it may not be as apparent that you should also wear a mouthguard while cycling and swimming. Our team offers comfortable, custom-crafted mouthguards to protect your smile.

Oral Cancer Screening
According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, more than 50% of those patients diagnosed with oral cancer this year will not live five years beyond their diagnosis. Their recommendation to decrease this number is to diagnose and begin treatment in earlier stages. The Landmark Dental team includes oral cancer screenings as part of every six month checkup in an attempt to provide our patients with diagnosis in the earliest stages of oral cancer. The screening itself is quick and painless. While screenings should improve the chances for early diagnosis, let our team know right away if you notice any of the following early indicators of oral cancer:

Children’s Dentistry
We are happy to provide dental care for patients of all ages at Landmark Dental. Our Norwood, MA dentist and team love having the opportunity to work with young patients. We put our years of experience to work in order to meet the unique dental care needs of your children as well as offering gentle, attentive treatment for their unique behavioral needs. Adults who consider themselves dental phobic most often point to a bad dentistry experience in their childhood as the cause of their adult fears and anxieties. When you bring your children to our office, Dr. Livshin and his team will do their utmost to make visiting the dentist a great experience for them. We answer all their questions and offer gentle treatments. For those children who experienced heightened stress or discomfort, we can also provide safe and effective dental sedation.

Gum Disease Treatment
Periodontal (gum) disease is a common oral health condition that affects more than 50% of US adults. In the early stages, known as gingivitis, we can typically reverse the damage caused by gum disease with more frequent professional teeth cleanings. When gum disease reaches the more severe periodontitis stage, we may need to provide more advanced treatment options. We’ll begin by performing scaling and root planing. Scaling is the removal of all plaque and tartar buildup. Root planing is the smoothing of tooth roots in order to prevent future buildup. These treatments are typically performed in one appointment, and following the scaling and root planing, patients will still need to visit us for more frequent professional teeth cleanings. We may also recommend antibiotic therapy to reduce the amount of plaque-producing bacteria.