Crown Lengthening

Crown Lengthening Preparation and Treatment

The goal of crown lengthening is to show more of the tooth’s surface, either for cosmetic or oral health reasons, so that more of the tooth can be seen. If your dentist has told you need to have your crowns lengthened, here is a quick guide to what you need to know before and after the procedure.

What is the Crown Lengthening Process?

Crown lengthening is an oral surgery that removes extra gum tissue and bone from around the upper teeth to make them look longer. Our cosmetic dentists do this procedure all the time. Sometimes, crown lengthening can cause the gum line to look more even. This can make the smile look more even.

If you have a dental problem, crown lengthening may also help. For example, if you want to fix a crown on your tooth, you might need to make your crown longer. Some people need dental crowns because their teeth have been cracked. If you don’t treat a cavity, it often gets bigger and bigger until it can’t be fixed with a filling, leaving you with a dental crown. Also, crowns can cover teeth that aren’t the right shape or color.

Crown lengthening has a lot of benefits

It isn’t like many other cosmetic dentistry procedures. Crown lengthening is only done at once, unlike many other systems. Crown lengthening can also have other benefits for your dental health. It can make your teeth look more extensive and more evenly spaced. Treatments that make the crowns of teeth longer can also help keep teeth from decaying because they expose more of the tooth to be cleaned and flossed.

Treatment Preparation

Many times, we can do this outpatient surgery in about an hour. Take x-rays before your surgery. When you meet our cosmetic dentist or surgeon in Norwood, MA, they will also look over your medical history. They will talk about any current medications or other health issues that could affect the surgery outcome. Before your treatment, your teeth, gums, and bone structure will be checked out carefully by the dentist.

Because crown lengthening surgery can help you decide if it’s right for you, your dentist will figure out how much of your gums will need to be removed or shaped to get the look you want.

When Is Surgery Performed?

Sometimes, a laser can shape the gum tissue. Other people may need to cut away some bones to get what they want. As with any oral surgery, there are some risks to think about. Crown lengthening is a standard procedure, but there are also risks. It’s likely that infections will be the primary concern after having crown lengthening done. If you had surgery, your dentist might give you an antibiotic to keep or treat an infection.

Bleeding is another thing that needs to be closely watched and managed. You need to follow your cosmetic dentist’s post-operative care instructions to reduce your risk of having problems. Make an appointment with the dentist after having crown lengthening done. If there are problems with the way your teeth and gums look, talk to them about them.

Taking care of yourself and getting better

Probably, your gums will need a few months to heal after you have crown lengthening done entirely. It’s important to follow your doctor’s advice about caring for your body after surgery for the best possible recovery.

After surgery:

  1. To help reduce any swelling after surgery, put an ice pack on your body for about 20 minutes at a time.
  2. Stay away from hot foods and drinks to avoid bleeding that you don’t want.
  3. For the first 48 to 72 hours, do nothing. That’s too hard.
  4. Take any prescribed or over-the-counter medicines for pain as directed.

Additional Tips for Recovery:

  1. Hot and cold temperatures may make it hard for you to chew. This could last for a while.
  2. Make sure you don’t eat hard, spicy, or sticky foods while you’re getting better!
  3. Soft foods and a lot of water will help the gums heal faster.
  4. During this time, do not drink or smoke.
  5. Keep your tongue away from the gums that have been treated.
  6. The surgery site should not be checked by pulling your lip outward.

Hope this blog has given you a clear knowledge about crown lengthening treatment. Schedule an appointment with Landmark Dental to monitor how your teeth are healing.