TMJ Treatment in Norwood, MA - Landmark Dental

Best practices for TMJ pain management

Smiling, laughing, chatting, eating are all facial motions you regularly produce with little to no thinking. However, those basic motions can be excruciatingly painful if you have a temporomandibular joint disease (TMD).

TMJ, TMD, and Jaw Pain

The temporomandibular joints, located where your skull and lower jawbone meet, are connected to the muscles and ligaments that move your mouth. Problems with the jaw joint (TMJ) such as arthritis and dislocation might lead to jaw clicking and popping and headaches and neck pain. Ringing in the ears can also be a side effect. TMD symptoms might be short-lived for some people, but for others, the pain and discomfort they experience while exercising their facial muscles are chronic and long-lasting. This pain can worsen over time if a person grinds or clenches their teeth.

Best Practices for TMJ Pain Relief

Nonsurgical therapy alternatives for TMJ pain reduction are available in favorable situations.

Here are eight nonsurgical methods for relieving TMJ discomfort and managing symptoms:

  1. Maintain your jaw’s resting posture.
  2. Adjust your posture.
  3. Get a good night’s sleep, and then apply a hot or cold compress.
  4. Reduce your tension.
  5. Make use of your jaw.
  6. Take note of any negative habits.
  7. Certain activities and meals should be avoided.
  8. Maintain your jaw’s resting posture.
  9. Reduce broad jaw motions such as eating, yawning, singing, and screaming to help relieve TMJ symptoms.

Make every effort to keep your muscles as relaxed as possible.

Always try to keep your mouth as relaxed as possible.

Adjust your posture

Sitting in an unfavorable position for an extended amount of time might aggravate jaw discomfort.

Choose a chair with back support when working and take frequent rests to enhance your posture. Set your seat as upright as possible while driving, and when conducting leisure activities like watching TV or reading, pick a spot that allows you to sit straight and lay a cushion behind your back for support.

To improve your sitting or standing posture, do the following exercise:

  • Straighten your back muscles.
  • Raise your chest bone.
  • Bring your shoulders back.
  • Lightly pinch your shoulder blades.

Get a good night’s rest.

Sleep is essential for a variety of facets of nutritional health. Sleep on your back and use cushions to support your neck to help reduce TMJ pain. You can avoid sleeping on your stomach, and if you must sleep on your side, avoid resting your hand on your jaw.

Apply a hot or cold compress.

Ice reduces swelling and discomfort, while heat increases blood flow and relaxes the jaw muscles. Always apply a hot or cold compress on your jaw for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, leaving a thin layer of skin between the compress and the skin.

Reduce your tension.

To assist in loosening and relaxing your jaw, try meditation techniques. Yoga can also help reduce muscular stress, and gardening is a terrific pastime to quiet your mind and relax your face.

Make use of your jaw.

Jaw exercises can assist improve joint mobility. Three types of jaw exercises can be done in conjunction to alleviate pain:

  • Exercising your flexibility
  • Exercising for Strength
  • Exercises for relaxation
  • Take note of any negative habits.

You may have a few habits that contribute to TMD discomfort. Among these practices are:

  1. Biting one’s nails
  2. Lips and cheeks are being chewed.
  3. Your jaw is resting in your hand.
  4. Gritting your teeth
  5. Clenching your teeth

Muscles in the jaw clench, squeezing your tongue against your teeth.

Always take notice of your everyday habits and write them down to discuss them with your doctor. Please keep track of how frequently you perform them.

Certain activities and meals should be avoided.

Certain activities and meals might lead you to open your mouth forcibly or move your jaw erratically. Try to stay away from the following:

  1. Yelling or yawning
  2. Foods that are crunchy or hard
  3. Taking huge meal bites
  4. Foods that need a lot of chewing
  5. Gum chewing

Hope this blog has given you a clear idea of relieving temporomandibular disorder-related pain. Call Landmark Dental in Norwood, MA, to get the best TMJ treatment.